Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Whoo-hoo!! A couple of days ago we were able to pay our van off, almost 2 years early. It's our last debt other than our house. This is such an amazing feeling. We've always had a car payment. We're gonna pump up our emergency fund a bit and then we'll start saving to replace Danny's truck in the next couple of years. It's nice to have a goal-oriented plan. Just wanted to brag a little bit. =)


Anonymous said...

Well congrats.. That's great.. Keep up the savings and the will power.. and emergency funding and soon a good deal willcome by for the truck

heather said...


Amber said...

That is so good! I'd love to get there but I think that I need to realize that until DH is done with school we are not going to get there. :) I think that is such an awesome accomplishment!

Deanna Payne said...

I remember that feeling. When we were debt free for the first time that word FREE rang so true. What a feeling! Glad you are finally there. Enjoy it and keep up the good financial planning.