NaBloPoMo--National Blog Post Month, a site that encourages blog posting every day with prizes as incentives, is on my mind this evening. Can I do it? Can I post a blog every day in November? For the sake of journal keeping...for the sake of winning a prize...for the sake of developing some writing skills...for the sake of documenting pictures... Why not. Give it a shot yourself.
I went to volleyball tonight at the church <------ seriously so fun even though I am super horrible, but it's still a good time. We need more people though! So if you live in the area and would like to knock the ball around a bit, contact me. We generally play Thursday nights from 8-10. I can get ya the details. I've been trying to learn a few techniques, like serving overhand (got it over once, yay!) and setting. So fun to learn new stuff. And I think my bruised arms are toughening up. ;)
We got our new trampoline pad today! And guess's the right size. Whew. The kids say it's super bouncy. The next motivational goal for reading our scriptures and saying our family prayers each and every day without missing is a family trip to Castles and Coasters. (or, Castles and Gangsters as some lovingly call it) We have to go 60 straight days without missing for this one. Each reward will be bigger but take longer to achieve. Bribing good habits. I'll take it.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I'm such a freakin dork! I ran around and got everything done then looked at the clock and said to myself cool 6pm I'm got a couple of hours until v-ball, Amie's gonna be so proud of me for going, yipie for me :-) I think I'll do some photo editing then make DJ some dinner and run off to v-ball. Next thing I know my cell phone rings and I look at the clock and it says 9:15pm; dang it, dang it, dang it. I'm such a loser. Sorry girl, next week we should drive together so I'll be on top of things. Love the trampoline photos. We sould take aome of the family pics with all of you jumping on it!
Looks like the kids are back to having a great time on that.. Good luck on nablopomo... I know you can do it.
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