I was pondering the other day on how well I'd been doing on NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting month) in my attempt to blog every day of November when I realized I didn't technically post on November 1st. I must have been up really late that night, because my post was published at 12:30am the following morning. Bummer. Oh well, I've still enjoyed it.
It's weird...I've also been pondering lately a lot about 2007 in general. Several people I know had a really horrible year, one of their worst. I know couples getting divorced, couples losing babies, people with health problems, people who have lost jobs, their homes, their health, and so on. My own Grandma has had a pretty tough one, eventually moving out of her home because she couldn't take care of herself anymore--nor could anyone else, bless my parents' hearts--and had fallen and hurt herself multiple times.
For me, I haven't thought it particularly bad...I mean other than a pretty nasty summer, the year's been pretty great. My sweet hubby has worked so hard to be successful this time through the Paramedic Academy, and though that has been stressful, it hasn't been as bad as the first time around. At least not yet. Another couple of months to go. And this has been one of the easiest and best daycare years ever with two little girlies that I just love. Even though our accident was life changing, terrifying, and some of my kids will have lasting scars and may even need therapy in the future, it too will end up changing our lives/their lives for the better in the future. We are hopeful that when the settlement is done and over with, their futures will be well provided for. A silver lining so to speak.
But also, have you noticed the great things from 2007? So many of you had or are having new babies, (my own sister-in-law's family both delivered a new baby and adopted a toddler from Guatemala), getting married (another two of my in-laws), buying your first homes, starting new jobs, making new friends, exploring new talents, and making life long goals a reality.
Stand back for a second and congratulate yourselves! Did you pay off some old debt? Pat on the back! Did you kick a bad habit? Excellent! Did you graduate? good for you! Did you kick butt at a calling you thought you'd never be able to do successfully? I am here to say, you rock. I know there have been some horrid things this past year, but don't forget to celebrate the successes, the accomplishments, the truly great times.
I have loved making some awesome new friendships this year! I have loved working on family history and exploring new talents, learning to play guitar and trying to improve at volleyball! (still stinkin' it up there pretty good, but that's ok, I won't give up) OK, so it's not gonna be the year for weight loss for me...I'm not gonna give up. ;) I have rarely met the goal of going full days without yelling at my kids...gonna have to work on that. I spend waa-hay-haay too much time on the internet. At least I can identify that and am setting goals in that direction. *snort!* But all in all, I am so grateful for this year, for our collective health, decent jobs, and overall well-being.
Wow, I am a sapster today! Must be because I just finished a Nicholas Sparks book and they always get me a tad retrospective. ("Dear John", good, but sad...ypical for that author.) Anyhoo, I'm not sticking a fork in 2007 yet, there's still lots to be done. That thirty pounds to lose (ha, right around the holidays, sure), better habits to develop and so on.
What have been your least and most favorite things about this year so far?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Not sappy at all, I enjoyed it! It has been a good year, and it's not over yet! Hopefully a good thing for me this year will be finally learning to scrap! My brother's wedding was a good thing....and BTW, we daycare families love you too!
I agree not sappy but very thoughtful and wise! This year has been a rough year but even during those trying moments a blessing has come out of it...like with the house were tried to buy...we are back in our old house happier than ever and surviving even with me being laid off we couldn't of done that if we bought the other house and we wouldn't of been happy. I have been pretty healthy this year, usually I am sick just about every other month and this flu is the first this year! I am blessed with my friends (including you!), my family, a roof over my head, food on my table, and the gospel in my life! So I will gladly take the Tribulation when I know I am blessed...they only make me stronger! Thanks for such a wonderfully insightful blog entry. I have on many occasions tried to blog about this same thing and it just doesn't sound as great as the way you say it! One more thing I will hopefully be blessed with is making it to one of those Friday crops and coming into some money to fix my hubby's teeth and buy some scrappy stuff....I haven't bought a thing since the Two Pea's crop and I am dieing!!!!
GREAT post Amie. I love the family pics. I am going to go click on the link to see more. Take care, Tammi
At the end of each day Ethan and I always ask each other what our favorite part of the day was. It usually has to do with something funny or cute Logan did or just a simple hug from the other. It was rare to have a day that we couldn't think of a favorite part.
Oh and favorite part of the year would be getting pregnant after trying for 10 months.
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