...but I just don't get why everyone is decorating for Christmas so dang early this year? I mean, folks on my street have had Christmas trees up for over a week (meaning it was only like the 7th, 8th of November when they did it) and the radio stations have been playing Christmas music since just after Halloween. Am I the only person who feels this has come exceptionally early this year?
Don't get me wrong...I love Christmas music and the lights and the decos and the spirit and everything that goes into making the holidays a super happy time. But 9+ weeks of it? Personally, I feel it is a ploy by businesses everywhere trying to get the economy stimulated by putting the thoughts in our heads that it's Christmas time and thus we need to be shopping. Christmas music in the stores, on the radio, I personally find it embarassing! Shoot, why wait until November, why not just start it in September and enjoy it 1/3 of the year?
All I know is that personally, 4-5 weeks is enough for me. We decorated the day after Thanksgiving last year, and as some of you may remember, due to the week that Thanksgiving happened upon, we got an extra week between Thanksgiving and Christmas, meaning, our holiday stuff was out 5 weeks before Ho Ho Ho day instead of 4. Seriously, after a few weeks...I tire of it in my house. The furniture being all disarranged, the tinsel everywhere, the neighbor's lights who don't all blink at the same time, the crazy shopping at the stores...I'm always a bit relieved when it all comes down Jan 1st. Relieved to have my house back, the order, the clean crisp neatness of a well kept home.
But several of you already have trees and decos up...wow. Just...wow. Again, whatever makes you happy for your own house is cool. But for me, let's appreciate the Thanksgiving season first. It's totally getting the shaft! And I never thought I'd say this, but don't be in such a rush to put away all that fall decor and pumpkins and turkey stuff just yet. I know it's brown and orange and dead and ugly and smells of pumpkin vomit, but there IS a reason that we celebrate Thanksgiving every year and some where in some tiny corner of the universe, the Thanksgiving Day fairy is feeling seriously Put Out and overlooked.
"Deck the Halls" the second week of November... Bah! Humbug!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Oh I am so right there with you on this one. Beth and Bill are playing the Christmas tunes way way too earyly. I think you are right though. It has everything to do with the economy this year, retailer are freaking out! Simple Christmas is our theme this year. Our church is doing a series on it.
The town I live in is already decorated. The national tree came through so all the businesses thought they needed to put their lights up a week ago. My hubby said the same as you "what about Thanksgiving?" I don't mind it really. But I'm the same as you with my house... I usually happily take my stuff down the day after Christmas.
I have a friend that suggested we switch Halloween and Thanksgiving. That way we have longer to focus on being grateful and then if any holiday gets the shaft is it Halloween! (which your kids would NEVER let you forget about!)
I think the Christmas want lists at our home are keeeping up with this EARLY Christmas tradititon. I WANT, I WANT, and you should hear the kids too. TEE-HEE!! Merry Christmas Amie!!
I had nothing to do with the tree. I try not to make direct eye contact with it.
You can call me scrooge because we will only have a wreath up at our house this year....
I have an undecorated tree up. And it only displaced a few things. I never got around to decorating for Thanksgiving or Halloween. But I agree with that other stuff. I like to decorate for Christmas AFTER my birthday,
your right, I got alittle upset at the Frys store when a week before Halloween I couldn't find the Halloween stuff. they put it on small tables over by the pharmacy and replaced it with a huge Christmas display.
Sophie's grandma.
You are right, I love Christmas, but Thanksgiving is getting ripped off!
its starting early here in Sweden too. The stores put up the decorations and sell them in late october. I will put up decorations in a week or so, right when you guys celebrate Thanksgiving, we dont celebrate that in Sweden.
Love your colours on your blog.
I can't wait to put our tree up but my husband says not until the first week of December.
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