Monday, December 1, 2008

nablopomo wrap up

So that's it, the end of the month, and it appears I was successful at posting every single day. Sometimes it was a bit of a stretch, just not having anything of interest to post on some days, and it was hard to keep up on the weekends, but I made it.

Now to sit back and see who wins the awards. Good luck to everyone.

I have lots of pictures from the weekend to post, but I'm a bit blogged out and may give myself a little rest.

Happy Monday to you. =)


Lorie said...

Good for you for finishing! I didn't know there was an award! Good luck!

And I have to say NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I don't want it to be over! I enjoyed having posts to read everyday!

Natalie said...

Doesn't it feel great not to have that, "Aw crap! Did I post something today?" feeling? Well, maybe you didn't have that the way I did. :D It wasn't all bad, and I'm glad I did it. It was fun reading all the posts!

heather said...

i am loving the twilight soundtrack on your blog.

OneHappyfamily said...

You are a great blogger.