How quickly does the school year come and go! I just love this time of the year; looking back to see the growth and changes in my kids. Cameron entered 1st grade being able to read words. He's leaving 1st grade fully able to read books, complete thoughts and sentences.
When they were a bit younger, summertime was a time for panic. How will I entertain three little beasts for 2.5 months? But last year was a turning point for us. We actually had a really great, really busy summer because they were older and able to do a bit more. That's kinda key, you know? Being able to get up and go without worrying about diaper bags or sippy cups or changes of underwear. It's kinda nice watching your kids grow up before your eyes (in contrast to what my blog may portray regarding that subject, Ben. . .you know what I'm talkin' about Bro!); it's great as some things get easier, outings, for example.
So this summer, we'll be swimming lots at the community pool, and I plan on signing each kid up for at least one extracurricular activity; anything along the lines of Aikido, Mad Science Club, Art Club, or Basketball. I don't want to be too busy, but without some kind of activities, the kiddos will go nuts which means so will I.
How do you plan on entertaining your young'uns this summer?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Good question... is it really summer already? I have no idea what I'll do with my kids, probably chores and more chores, that will keep them busy! ha
We are getting season passes to Lagoon, which means fun rides and a water park. I know they'll have friends over a lot. We have a great backyard,trampoline, bikes, and a nice library we can visit and get books. Matt plans on fishing and camping almost every weekend which will keep the boys happy. I am so looking forward to it. I agree with you Amie, summer is so much easier now that they've grown up a bit.
The time seems to go faster and faster.
The possibilities are endless! Whatever we do, I hope it will involve air conditioning or sandy beaches....
I am going to have to buy stock in sunscreen because Midget wants to be outside all day, every day!
She got some of her Dad's genes, so her skin doesn't burn the second we walk outside.
Unfortunately, mine does.
Love the disney pics and videos. I am sure i will see you at th pool this summer. We r doing the movies nad the library thing. We are paying 1 dollar a book for savanna this summer. take care, Tammi
How do you plan on entertaining your young'uns this summer?
Well first, I plan to have them, then.........sit on them.
How do you plan on entertaining your young'uns this summer?
Well first, I plan to have them, then.........sit on them.
Mondays are going to be Movie Mondays. We are going to get a movie from the Redbox
Wednesday will be library day.
Lots of swimming.
Museums if we are lucky enough to get the city pass.
More swimming.
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