That time of year again, Fall Sports are upon us.
Time again for 2 practices and 2 games a week (Cameron is in Coach-Pitch Baseball as well), you've-got-this-one, I've-got-that-one madness, every single Saturday is busy, and don't forget your water bottle and your glove. Cleats are cooler than basketball shoes and we literally have to make decisions regarding sunblock on those arms or long-sleeves? (It was near 80 degrees on Saturday!)This is Ethan's second season--his first time around he was just barely 5 and it really showed--and this time he's a bit more into it. Not as much daydreaming, playing in the dirt, or tackling other players. But I'm sure that will come in time.
The Coach and his wife are really on the ball as far as planning snack schedules, maps, phone numbers, and they ironed on all the kids' names on their shirts. Cool, huh? Makes it easier for all us parents to cheer on the kids.
The teams are huge...13 and 14 for this first game. (Usually it's closer to 10) Ethan got on base first swing/first hit for his first inning, and got out at 1st base for his second inning. But I was watching and I swear that little 5 yr old opposing team's 1st baseman's foot was at least a foot off the base when she picked up the ball...but oh well. He didn't care.
One game down, 9 more to go.
And then Basketball starts.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Ah fun! Cyrena started t-ball skills and it's just adorable....
Oh, boys and sports. All I have to deal with right now is dance once a week. They sure are cute though!
Just finished up football here.
All I have to deal with right now is dance once a week. Work From Home
What a great coach!
wow.. cool!
wow.. cool!
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