Wednesday, July 14, 2010

a little bit late, but our fourth was fantastic

Have I mentioned that I love my friends?  I seriously do ya'll.  I'm so lucky to have stumbled upon and made some pretty darn great friends in the past few years.  Our circle seems to keep growing and growing which is just the best!  Of course we miss those who aren't able to make it, but we are certainly grateful for those that invite us into their lives and share the same values we do, and those that we can just have a nice time with. {to those who aren't able to join in our friendly endeavors, know that you are missed and thought of}

The Fourth being on Sunday this year was a little low-key for us, but spent with our favorite people.  2 years in a row we joined Chris and James' family at a hotel for some laid back swimming and fireworks. 

I apologize in advance for the condition of my pictures-major camera suckage going on.  Not much I can do about that.

 DSCF6021Here's our clan after watchin' the 'works.  So awesome that the weather was reasonable; not hot at all!  Biggest complaint was that we all kept getting bit by ants!. . .Dan was working.  :(     


Sorry I never got a pic of your whole fam, Camille!  She's getting ready to feed newborn baby EmmaLee. (did I spell it right?)


Christine and DJ's family.


Ben and Jessica.


Pat (and Joey)


Isn't this the cutest shot ever?  James is actually smiling in a picture-I think it's a record.  And the kids all look so adorable crowded around Chris.

As you can imagine, that hotel room got pretty darn crowded, and I didn't even get pictures of Steve and Johnathan (the rest of Camille's family) and Sue and John (Steve & Chris' parents).  It was so fun!


Anonymous said...

Yeah the weather was perfect! Ever since it's been so muggy I'm completely covered in sweat and dripping after only 5 minutes in the garage!


Jenna said...

So fun, you look so beautiful in the pic of you and your boys!