Wednesday, September 1, 2010

a pleasant day on lake pleasant

For whatever reason, we did not take our boat out once this summer.  Partly due to the fact that whenever we we had a free day, we used our annual water park passes, and partly due to the fact that Dan needed to buy/restring/refit the tail lights to the trailer.  The previous ones were not water proof, which is a little ridiculous in a boat trailer, don't you think?

So, with the kids back in school and the tail lights fixed, yesterday the two of us were able to take fishing poles, a book, a picnic lunch, and have a nice day together out on the lake.


It was quiet out there, not too many other boats.


While Dan did a lot of this.


I did a lot of this. tanning and reading (we just finished reading it out loud and hope to start the 3rd book today).


Dan's one catch, a teeny little bluegill and some cables.  The fish went back into the water.


Cuz you think I'm gonna clean that smelly mess?  I don't think so.  You catch it, you clean it, you cook it.


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Looked so peaceful! ahhhh :)

Jenna said...

what a great day, that's awesome!

Jennifer ♥ said...

I like how you relaxed. Looks like a great place to be :)

Courtney said...

What a life of leisure. Sure is different when they are all in school.

wittygal said...

Very nice!