Monday, April 25, 2011

volunteering at the ronald mcdonald house

RonaldHouse20110330_69In case you're not familiar, the Ronald McDonald House is a non-profit charity  set up to care for those families who have loved ones in the hospital for an extended stay.  There are  mini Ronald McDonald House Family rooms inside several of the hospitals in town that give parents a bit of respite while their kids or other family members are being treated.  They also have several offsite homes/mini apartments used for more long-term stays.


RonaldHouse20110330_11I've had to use the one at St. Joe's twice--the first time when Ethan had a really bad infection in his finger at 15 months old and had to be on a course of steady IV antibiotics for 3 straight days.  I was pretty much living at the hospital, sleeping there, eating there, etc, and the Ronald McDonald House Family room was a place that I could shower, grab a quick snack, read some magazines, watch TV, etc.  The second time was after our big accident in 07 when all three boys were injured and Cameron was at St. Joe's for 7 days being treated and operated on.  At that time, I used the House to do my laundry, use the computers, relax, etc. It was such a blessing and I was so grateful for the conveniences offered there. . . all for free!


RonaldHouse20110330_15So when our Student Nurse Association,  through the school, got the opportunity to volunteer and do something nice for them back in March, I was all for it!


RonaldHouse20110330_55Basically what we did was tear down old beds and bedding, clean up rooms, set up new bed frames, and haul in new mattresses for the mini apartments.  It just took a few hours one morning, but I felt happy to be able to give back a little.  There were hundreds of volunteers there; I think much more than they were expecting!  Three students came from my class and a few from the other blocks, and several of them brought spouses.  It was really quick work and the weather was nice.  :)


Monica McCoy said...

How great, we did not have to use it while the girls were in the NICU, but I know lots of parents of other preemies did and I think it is a great organization. Way to give back!

Danny said...

wow when that guy sits on Ronald lap it sure give Ronald a big smile. is that why it's called the hap-happy place?

Margee' said...

That's great you got to do that for them!

Lorie said...

That is so neat! They are pretty amazing!

laurie said...

good for you!!! i have heard so many great stories of the RM houses and all that they offered families in times of need.