Wednesday, April 27, 2011

who says costumes are just for halloween?

Not us!!

For Cameron's 9th birthday party, he decided he wanted a Costume Party!  That's pretty much where the theme stopped because I refused to decorate the house in black and have a goblin birthday cake.  Everything he wanted was too Halloweeny.

But we did have some grrrrreat costumes!!

IMG_2471IMG_2479IMG_2475IMG_2478IMG_2674  IMG_2472  IMG_2477   IMG_2480 IMG_2481 IMG_2489IMG_2520IMG_2490IMG_2487   IMG_2492 IMG_2510IMG_2501

Then a little bit of Karaoke:

IMG_2516 IMG_2522

IMG_2528 IMG_2529 IMG_2542 IMG_2499 IMG_2504Then some trampoline fun:

IMG_2533 IMG_2530

And then onto the pinata!

 IMG_2543 IMG_2550 IMG_2555 IMG_2557 IMG_2562 IMG_2566 IMG_2572 IMG_2580 IMG_2582 IMG_2592 IMG_2605 IMG_2615 IMG_2623    


Then, onto gifts:

 IMG_2640 IMG_2642 IMG_2648 IMG_2649 IMG_2652 IMG_2653 IMG_2656 IMG_2663IMG_2660 What great loot!  We can certainly tell what Cameron likes:  Legos, Ninjas, Arts & Crafts.

Next, the cake.

You know me. . . this is my favorite, when I have time.

Honestly, it's the only part of this party I put time into.

And I love how it turned out.


Isn't this Topsy Turvy cake so perty?

IMG_2457I think it took me near 4 hours.  LOL

 IMG_2666 IMG_2668  IMG_2672

It tasted pretty darn good too!

What a great birthday Cameron had!  Thanks so much to everyone for coming, having fun with us, and sharing presents.  It was an awesome day.


Liz said...

How fun I LOVE LOVE THAT cake it's so cute.
I like the costume party... that must have been a good time.. They are getting so so big that's forsure

Emily said...

I am constantly impressed with what you do for your kids birthdays. That cake is super, super cool.

heather said...

the cake is awesome. and he will remember that forever, and think his mom is the coolest for making it for him!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

cool party and very very cool cake!

I love his theme!