Thursday, August 23, 2012

one week down, one week closer to being a nurse

My friends were complaining about how some people post self-portraits on Facebook too often. Often, meaning, like every other day. I promised I would rush right home and post one of myself.

Normally, I hate orange, but lately, whenever I've gone shopping, I've been drawn to the orange shirts. Le Gasp, I know. Ashley Bluth would be so proud.

First week went great at school...a little slow, as we're studying Psych this semester and this week has been all about foundations and laying groundwork for further topics and mental illnesses to come. But for the most part, good stuff.


Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Nice shot pretty lady! :)

wittygal said...

Not sure if my first comment came through so here goes, AGAIN! I have been decorating a lot with orange but have yet to wear it. I think I ought to try it, it certainly does good things for you. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm orange? As in "international orange?" Understandably, I hate that color....