Saturday, February 23, 2008

pull my finger

Didja know that Salt and Vinegar Lay's potato chips, when eaten in large quantities, cause large amounts of stinky stanky gas?


I'm just sayin', in case you were curious.


leaner said...

I know if I eat an entire bag of the Poore's brothers kind my tongue gets a thick coat that I can actually PEEL off. (Very attractive ask my hubby!) I am sorry that you stink, lol! But it cracks me up that you blog about stuff like that.

hilary said...

ooh... that explains it

dlyn said...

This is valuable info and I for one am grateful to have it. Ironic too - I don't usually tell people to go check my blog but if you do, you will find a very useful item mentioned this past Thursday ;)

linda said...

LOL, this information is good to know..

Stephanie ODea said...

this is very, very good to know.

Kendra said...

It's the new "low fat" oil they use. It causes all kinds of digestive loveliness. A whole bage could have been disasterous! They, of course, won't tell you this because they want you to be excited about the fact that there is no trans fat in your chips. So I guess you can't have it both ways. Either you have high cholesterol, or you are stinky.