Taken from CrockpotLady Stephanie's blog yesterday, I made brownies in the crockpot! Does it get much better than this?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Taken from CrockpotLady Stephanie's blog yesterday, I made brownies in the crockpot! Does it get much better than this?
Oh my gosh you are hilarious!
"I heart you. You complete me" ROTFLMBO
My question is, "who on the planet would want to wait 3 hrs for brownies when they can have them in 45 mins?"
oh that is the funniest, funniest, funniest thing ever!
you *totally* complete me. Hysterical.
And, um, hello? Did you use a 1 cup measuring cup for the 1/3 cup of oil? And just eyeball it? I don't think you're supposed to do that. :-)
the egg out of the chicken's butt thing was just too much... much too much.... you crack me up. We need to send this to Food Network.
Lol amie.. You had me so chuckling.. with this.. I love the chicken 's butt deal..and oh yes Yummo for the whip cream it's the season where I allow in my house lol Try the new cool whip they have like that now.. Yummo I know you dn't drink coffee but Pumpkin spice is now out..yummo
Thanks for some great laughs! Just popped over from Stephanies blog!
Darling - you ROCK!
I was laughing hysterically here - you could be the new Rachael Ray, my dear! Unless Rachael was in fact Rachael Ray and you were you but... you catch my drift...! ;)
Ps. So THAT's what a Crock-Pot looks like! I never saw one before. TFS that too! :D
That has to be the best video I have seen in a while.. I was laughing the entire time.. Now I am off to make brownies..
You are so freakin' funny. Look at you making to the Crockpot Lady website. I will have to give this one a try. I have a huge crockpot with a timer and all, and I only use it like 5 times a year. I need to pull that baby out for some brownies. Have a good weekend.
You are too funny. I want to see the footage that was edited out!
But I do have to agree with Toni. I don't think I could wait 3 hours for them. Unless my oven was broken and my crockpot was my only hope of having brownies. But I do have a fancy solar oven in my garage and I think that might cook them faster!
Maybe you should borrow my my solar oven and make a video of that!
LOL, I got brownie mix at the Wal-mart....
excellent! i totally agree about eggs and the devil!
This is my FAVORITE Video EVER!!!!! I have to keep watching it over and over!! I swear I'm down 5 lbs just from LAUGHING so much! :)
You need a separate vlog so we can enjoy your vlogging in a more concentrated area... because I would LOVE to go from vlog to vlog to vlog, I can't get enough! :)
Love ya!!
Love it...I will have to give this a try!
btw... I too believe eggs are from the devil!
I heart you
Noah says he wants a brownie. I dare you to Fed Ex one overnight to him. He says he wants to watch it again. It was quite entertaining. He loved watching Ethan in the background.
So very funny! I needed a laugh tonight...thanks! : )
Well I thought I left a comment.. I must say, that was the best cooking show ... heee
I have the same crockpot! Id offer you one of my handles if things get real bad over there. haha
you are hilarious! i followed the link from the crockpot lady's blog... thank you so much for making me giggle for 6 minutes straight! you could so be america's next food network star! :)
Why wait three hours? Because the only thing better than eating brownies (or brownie BATTER) - is the aroma of chocolate heaven wafting from the oven... or in this case, the crock pot. Patience, like chocolate, is a virtue. : )
I just came from the crockpot lady's website, and she's right--you are hilarious!! :)
haha I love you eating it while the kid is jumping up and down in the background. Hilarious. and the chicken egg coming from the devil in part one had me rolling.
I'm a jumper from the Crock Pot Lady, too.
(It's weird, I can't tell how old these posts are. They show the time it was posted, but not the date.)
Anyway, the reason I would make them in the crockpot is because 1) it uses less electricity and 2) it is unique having a brownie in a mug! My kids will love it!!
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