Friday, April 9, 2010

what happens when you wait until the night before easter to get the easter box down from the attic?

You end up scouring the city at 11pm at night looking for plastic eggs, that's what.

With things being so busy around here, we hadn't yet gotten out our Easter box (complete with baskets, decorations, and plastic eggs that we reuse every year) until the night before Easter.  Why rush it, right?  ;)  Well when Danny got the box out of the attic, there were no eggs.  He looked in every single decorations box we have and the eggs were no where to be seen.  We always reuse them, and I think they were only a year or two old at that, so I can't imagine why we would have thrown them away last season. . . but alas, such was the case.

So Dan went from store to store to store Easter Eve looking for plastic eggs, of course to find none.  What other option did we have?  He had to buy some Sunday morning for the Easter bunny to use.

The kids were none the wiser of course, and enjoyed their hunt.

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For goodies this year, we kept things super simple.  A nice beach towel to use at the public pool this summer, and a fun huge bubble sword.  I neglected to get a shot of Ethan, so I'll have to restage that next time he gets out the bubbles. 

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My kids are 5, 8, and 10, and still like bubbles.  LOL!  Part of the fun of course, is that these come with the big sword-like thing and sheath.

So. . . a $6 Easter.  And you know what?  The kids loved it!  They were totally pleased with their little gifts, nearly as much as the years in which they got the trampoline or the scooters.  {Mental note for next year!-as well as, KEEP THE EGGS!}


Jenna said...

We reuse the eggs too! Those bubble swords are AWESOME!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

I didnt get my Easter stuff out this year either ;( I did however get a new table runner and dish towel to match.. woo hoo.

Felt so bad when Hunter flung open the mini blinds and said the Easter Bunny didnt hide eggs for him this year.. :( We didnt think he would notice since he got a huge basket.. boy were we WRONG!