Wednesday, August 18, 2010

and this boy becomes a man. . . or, a boy scout that is

Sean had his 'crossing over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts' ceremony last night and it went really well! The ceremony is full of symbolism. I was so proud of him. This will be his last appearance at Pack Meeting.

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Cameron also got a boatload of awards at the pack meeting, including his Wolf Badge. He did this pretty quickly, as he's only been in Scouts since March. :)


Here he's 'pinning' me. We didn't get any pictures of the front of poor Cameron. But here are a couple during their activity, working together on the egg-drop.



Congratulations to both my scouts!


Dahlene said...

Ya gotta love scouts! Good job Sean and Cameron.

jinxi~ aka angi said...

I just cried a bit.. so proud! Valuable stuff those 2 are learning. I just love it!