Thursday, August 5, 2010

down, set, hike!

After the wild successes of our basketball season, we are gearing up for flag football for Cameron in the Fall.  {side note-Cameron has actually gotten quite good at bball. . . he made three baskets during his last game.  I was shocked.}  This will be our first experience with The Foosball, so honestly, I have NO idea what to expect.  I know it'll be hot cuz of course it's all outside, but it doesn't start until early September - - yeah yeah, I know, still hot.  And humid.  It's gonna be miserable.  All for the sake of the kiddos I guess.  And heat stroke.

So to get him in the mood, Dan started with some simple practice this past weekend.

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Our pirate cheerleader-Arrr!

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Lets hope we have a bit more luck with our football coaches.  :)


Jenna said...

nothing better than a little football in the backyard!

Liz said...

How sweet are those photos' ...
Back to school soon eek that went fast..

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Rock on Cameron! What a cutie!