Monday, May 2, 2011

salt lake city, eat your heart out

After we watched LDS General Conference on the internet April 3rd, I let the boys let off a little energy by playing on the trampoline with the sprinklers on. In Salt Lake City where Conference was being broadcast, there was snow--the exact place we'd been during spring break at Temple Square back in March--we meanwhile were getting sunburned here in Phoenix. Kind of surreal, really.

IMG_2685 IMG_2691 IMG_2694 IMG_2696 IMG_2707 IMG_2716IMG_2709 IMG_2710 IMG_2713

We bought that trampoline for Easter. . .oh. . .I want to say. . . 7 years ago. I think Cameron was 2 and I was pregnant with Ethan.

The kids play on it They still love it. And knock on wood, we still have not had one major fall or booboo because of it.

Such lovely weather we had that week!


Delfina said...

When we were younger we loved to jump on our when it was wet too. It made us jump higher and just thenoise it made. Lol!

OneHappyfamily said...

great shots