Monday, June 18, 2012

cameron's cub scout creations

Cameron is working on Engineering right now--all about plans and designs and architecture, building, making, creating, etc.

Here are some of the things he's made for the badge:

 IMG_8376 Catapult.

IMG_8375Using an old box, rubberbands, pencils and tape, he put this one together in no time.

IMG_8383   IMG_8378 We loaded it with mini marshmellows and shot them into the yard.

IMG_8379 Tallie was pleased.

IMG_8402Next up is his bridge.

      IMG_8398 The example showed constructing one out of bricks, boxes, or paper.

IMG_8399 That just wouldn't do for Cameron!

IMG_8400 Look at the detail on this thing!


The stoplight is my favorite part.

This has been the perfect badge for him to work on!


Elise said...

The stoplight is pretty awesome. Wow your little puppy got HUGE!

OneHappyfamily said...

That is pretty impressive! Love the look on his face when he launched the catapult. Your dog has grown a ton! She's beautiful.

laurie said...

cameron is such a smart and creative kid! i can see him becoming an engineer of some kind in the future.

Anonymous said...

Good job Cameron! Perfect badge for him. Who would have thought you would have a dog and not us?


Unknown said...

The stop light really is so fun! I love little details!

I just happened upon your blog and really like it! My cousin has four little boys and just started a cute little blog that I think you would like seeing how you too are a mother of all boys :) her blog address is