Sunday, January 27, 2008

we will miss you President Hinckley!

Tonight our Prophet and President of the Church Gordon B. Hinckley passed away, and joined his dear wife who has been waiting for him for the past few years. I will so miss his spirit, his charm, his wit and humor, his humility, sweet messages, and testimony. He has been the prophet for 13 years and died at 97 years old. Can you believe that? He traveled the world many times over, dedicated something like 90 new temples, and did so so much more. He was a wonderful man and will be missed.

You can read the entire article here.


AZ HS Spotlight said...

I will really miss him! Also, what a beautiful picture of him. His spirt was so strong and you can see how it just radiated from him.

Christine said...

I can only imagine what a wonderful reception he was welcomed with. Still I will miss hearing his sweet voice.

Amy said...

He was a remarkable man and his presence will be missed. I can only imagine how elated he was to once again be with his lovely wife.

My friend also put a great tribute to him on his blog. You should check it out if you get the time. (His blog is also great!)

Heidi said...

I was flipping channels around last night & stopped at Glenn Beck as he was in his last few minutes - he gave a very touching tribute! It's so nice to see media people - LDS or not - admiring "good" people while wearing emotions on their sleeve! here's the link to that

Christine said...

Glenn Beck is a member - his conversion story is one of my favorites :-)