Holy cow, has this week zoomed by! Seriously, all day yesterday I thought it was Tuesday. Somehow, it feels like I just got back from Prescott, and here we are, staring down the weekend--tomorrow's Friday already! How did that happen?
I guess it's a good thing, right? The kids have fall break Sat-Tues, and Dan's birthday is Tuesday. He has to work Monday and Tuesday, but at least he and the kids will see each other more! No big plans so far. . . my parents are coming into town the following weekend and are forcing us to leave the kids with them for a zoo trip so we can go out to lunch and celebrate just the two of us. Sigh. . . I guess. . . but just because you're forcing us! =)
I've been the exact same weight for the last 9 days and it's really starting to bug me. Just wanted to throw that out there. Down 10 and holding.
Bio is going better--I seem to have a better handle on how much time to put into it so I'm not a walking zombie. I'm only at about 9 hours for the week thus far and I'm almost completely done with both essays for the week. The mid-term is in just over three weeks: I tell you, time is flying!!
I'm busier with daycare now too, one full-timer and two part-timers, so that keeps things hopping. I'm not sure I like time going so fast, but it is getting me through this class quickly, so I guess that's good.
I love that it's finally cooling down! This is my favorite time of year temperature-wise. (Now if we could just get rid of all the fall orange-dead-leaves-brown-dead-things decor, it would be perfect!) I can't wait to make some apple votives. I do those almost every year and they're so fun. And much less smelly than icky pumpkins. Anyway, back to the weather--we've been turning off the AC around 9p and not turning it on again until about 11am the next morning. Love it!
Some of you may have noticed that I've consolidated my bloggin' buds list. I always felt guilty not visiting more of your sites more often and that's just silly. Too much pressure! So I kept on my favorites and people whom I visit at least once every couple of weeks. If you didn't make it on there, it's not because I don't love you. It's probably due to the the fact that you rarely visit mine or make comments. But not entirely. I just needed to simplify. I now have about 10 that I visit every couple of days or so, and I feel that is much more manageable. (Months ago, it was closer to 40! I love staying in touch, but man, blogs can be a time-waster!) Anyway, commenting on people's blogs was mentioned in Conference, so I feel that what I do now is acceptable. =) (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)
42 days til the Twilight movie! And tonight the final preview will be shown online. Excited about that.
Well, the sun is rising and so are the kiddos, so I must bid you adieu.
Adieu! And have a fabulous day!
We were told to simplify in Conference. You were just doing what you were asked. I love fall, but mostly for Halloween!! Woot-woot!! I can't wait for the movie!
I am so glad it is Thursday! Our break starts today! (yeah!!)
And I know what you mean about too many blogs. Google Reader is the best! But I still have way too many on there.
I am glad that Biology is getting better!
Have a great weekend!
Whew! I made the cut!
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