I can't even believe I'm about to post this.
But my mid-term was comprised of 3 parts.
I got an 85% on the first set of multiple choice questions.
I got a 95% on the second set of multiple choice questions.
Going into the third part, the four essays, I was nervous but I figured even if I bombed them, I averaged a %90 on the other two, so at least I'd end up with a C, right?
So I wrote the essays, feeling fairly confident about 3 of the 4.
The fourth, I totally BS'ed my way through. I didn't think I understood the concept well enough to answer the question, but I took what I did know about it and wrote and wrote and wrote, making it look like I knew what I was talking about.
I scored 100% on the essays!!
Sitting here in shock!
That gives me an average of 93% on the mid-term and a 95% in the class.
Consider me a stunned college student!
(yay me!)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Congrats.. That is awesome...
Congratulations! Yer so smart.
You go gir
Congrats Amie!! I don't know how you make time for that class with your busy life. Way to go!! Joanna
Dang! Good job girl! That is always nice when you get a way better grade than you expected.
Great job, Amie! Keep up the good work.
Great Job!!!!!!!!!! (I am not surprised)
I had no doubts! You are one smart cookie! Congrats! ;)
You are my HERO!! I am full of PRIDE for you! :) Love ya!
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