Friday, April 16, 2010

few facts fer ya

The flu sucks. Three of my family has caught it so far--fortunately it is's amazing how quickly the kids bounce back. I luckily caught it on my off-day from school so it didn't effect my program. But man is it yucky and horrendous and stinky and gross and I hope to be done with it. Bah!
Today is the last day to enter for the $100 Visa gift card contest over on my review blog. Go on over and enter...whatcha got to lose?
My CNA class is just over half-way done. Just finished up my 4th week and have 3 more to go. Very cool and I'm enjoying all I'm learning, even the bed baths and such.
I've eaten Taco Bell bean burritos 3 times in the past 4 days. This is not a good thing. But they are soooo a good thing.

That is all. Happy weekend everybody.


Anonymous said...

How did I escape the dreaded up-chuck virus?


AZ HS Spotlight said...

I think I have the stupid flu, thankfully not too bad but enough that it keeps me running to the bathroom. Yuck!!!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Hope all is well soon!

We tease Hunter because he always wants a "feefee 5 layer burrito" hahaaa

and RIGHT ON on your classes! WTG!

Liz said...

it is ugly and not fun Glad you feel better

Amanda said...

Are you sure you're not pregnant? That is totally what I am craving now: Taco Bell bean & cheese burritos, no onions, no sauce (the heartburn has already started). They are yummy!