Monday, July 26, 2010

pioneer day weekend-first stop: the jumpin' jacks bouncy house

We enjoyed a quick four-day vacay at my folks this past week to celebrate Pioneer Day-a weekend mostly observed only in Utah by us dang Mormons. *grin* My mom kept us totally busy, entertained, and fed! :)  (thanks for helping me keep to my diet, Mom!-I really appreciate it!  may be the first time I've gone to her house and not gained 5lbs)

The first day we went to a bouncy house.  You'll notice right away that it was hot in there!  The kids are all sweaty, but they had so much fun.  Shocker that the best pictures are all of Cameron.  He's usually Mr. Squinty when the camera flashes.

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This was just the start of a packed Pioneer day weekend.  More to come.  :)


Anonymous said...

AAAHHH I remember well the days of my youth in the jumping jack bouncy house. Except if I recall correctly instead of jumping jack's bouncy house it was called cholla's jumping cactus. Yes, that rings a bell, tons of fun, but slightly more painful.


laurie said...

looks like lots of fun! we went through utah on our trip earlier this month and it is so beautiful! i'm making a mental list of little towns i would love to live in there.

jinxi~ aka angi said...

How far or how long does it take you to travel there? Im sure you've said before and I just dont remember. ;(

The one pic where your son is climbing under that huge thing.. I got so clausterphobic? just then!! woo

wittygal said...

Those bouncy places are so much fun! My kids like them too.