Friday, September 10, 2010

news! and updates! and stuff!

I know, I know, I have only blogged once this week, get off my back. :p I think I have spoiled all you faithful followers by blogging consistently 5 times a week these past several years...sometimes, a girl just have other stuff to do! Or nothing to do, ie, no blogging. Or something.

Speaking of...hello...faithful followers? anyone still there? (echo, echo, echo...)


Anyway. :)

News! I had two job interviews this week, and I am now officially a working CNA. Woot woot! Just part time (which is what I want) semi close to home (yee-haw!) pretty decent money for a brand new graduate (cha-ching!) and flexible hours. I am happy. It looks like the second job I applied for is going to work out as well for additional hours when I want them, so things are looking up.

Yay, Amie has an identity again! *rolls eyes*

Tomorrow is the very last day for you to submit a comment and earn an entry for the $100 mentioned over on my review blog. So if you haven't already, why not? It just takes a minute. You don't have to be logged in, you can sign in under 'anonymous', but please do leave me some way of knowing it tis you. I'd hate for one of my faithful followers (* there anyone still out there??*) to win but not be able to collect due to lack of email. Or name. Or post office box. Or blood type. Or something. So go enter. At this moment in time there are 190 entries. Your 191st might be the winning one! I can't promise anything, but you have a decent chance. :)

And lastly, next Monday is my birfday. *smile* I will officially (in my opinion) be considered middle-aged. 35. Thirrrrrty-five. This many:

I realized today that I will be celebrating the anniversary of my birth by...wait for it...starting my new job. LOL Maybe this is my mid-life crisis.

OK, to sum up: I am officially employed, buzzing on chocolate, and urging you to enter my contest.

Have a great weekend everybody!


Monica McCoy said...

woohoo! happy birthday!

AZ HS Spotlight said...

Congrats! Where will you be working?

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday!! Congrats on finding a job! L.J. had a 2nd interview this week so things are looking up. I wasn't thrilled with 35 either but at least you're not 35 and pregnant. ha ha Good luck with the job, I hope you love it!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Gee.. leave us hanging ;)

Congrats on the job and woot woot on middle age.. its what its all cracked up to be.

Happy weekend! :)

Liz said...

You look great and don't act a day over 21 lol...
Yay on that new job I knew you could and would get anything.
You are gonna be a great Nurse Amie..
I told you that three years ago..
You just see..
Congrats , Happy Birthday and Yee Haw

Emily said...

I am so happy for you-thrilled that you got a job and chocolate :)!! I am always here reading, I need to do better about comments.

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on being gainfully employed. You know as opposed to being lossfully employed.


Casey Lu said...

Guess this answers my email to ya, lol. Glad you found a job and enjoyed some yummy Cold Stone! Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you had a great day today at work!!!