Wednesday, December 8, 2010

it's a party!

Have I mentioned already that I love my town?  As discussed in yesterday's post, this past weekend we had a four-day celebration.  Friday night was the annual tree-lighting event, free music, an awesome balloown glow, and Sky Hawks skydivers.  Santa made another appearance and there were several groups of musicians, bands, bell-ringers, and what-not.  It was packed, but we had a really nice time. 


The blurry burry picture of  our town's tree just after the lighting.  I still haven't figured out my camera yet.  But it's still kinda pretty.  :)



Thanks, Jeanette, for taking this picture of us.  It came out so much better than the one I took of you, and for that I apologize!



We watched this bumble bee air balloon go up start to finish, so that was pretty cool.  It looked awesome when the fire lit it up.


Hola, esposo muy guapo.  :)



I don't know how many years the Balloon Glow has graced our city December party, but I sure enjoy it.  I think there were something like 10-12 hot air balloons.  Those things are massive.

 IMG_0990 IMG_0992 IMG_1000

Can you imagine these crazies running around among thousands of people on the streets?  I was a tad bit stressed out.  I wish they'd just listen a bit better; stay with us when we ask, hold our hands when we request, etc.  I guess I need to have a strong will and stronger hand insisting they obey better.  *something to work on*



The night setting on my camera isn't too bad. . .


Lookit that snaggletoothed grin.

Later, after about 45 minutes of staring up into the sky, the Sky Hawks made their jump, and amid some pyrotechnics, made their way safely to earth in the designated landing zone just in front of us.  Observe:

It was a great night!


Danny said...

paresco guapo solo porque estoy alado a una hermosa chica tan linda.

Anonymous said...

I love how you are so careful to edit out the name of my former city, but then in your Youtube clip it's labeled out.....